Lynda after effects cs6 essential training exercise files torrent
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Dating > Lynda after effects cs6 essential training exercise files torrent
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Getting Started with After Effects Touring the interface06:02 How After Effects projects work04:47 What is a composition? Two real-world example projects demonstrate keying green screen footage and creating an advanced 3D composition with the expanded 3D toolset, an important addition to CS6. Getting Started 1h 8m The six foundations of AE 5m 3s Introducing the interface and the workspace 7m 51s Understanding compositions 8m 48s Getting comfortable with layers 7m 33s Getting started with animation and keyframes 8m 30s Understanding effects 3m 26s Moving in 3D space 7m 41s Rendering your first animation 8m 20s Specifying preferences and cache settings 5m 44s Staying organized 5m 15s 2. A: To create a blob layer, make a shape layer using the Pen tool.
Working with Audio Understanding audio in motion graphics 1:22 1. Creating a Simple Project Overview of the After Effects workflow 3:46 8. After Effects CS6 Essential Training Год выпуска: 2012 Производитель: Lynda. Chapter 1 introduces the six foundations of After Effects, which include concepts like layers, keyframes, rendering, and moving in 3D space. Using Audio The significance of audio 1:18 1. The rest of the course expands on these ideas, and shows how to build compositions with layers, perform rotoscoping, animate your composition with keyframes, add effects and transitions, and render and export the finished piece. The rest of the course expands on these ideas, and shows how to build compositions with layers, perform rotoscoping, animate your composition with keyframes, add effects and transitions, and render and export the finished piece. Topics include: - Setting up the workspace, important preferences, and the cache - Importing footage and comps - Relinking missing footage - Creating type, shape layers, and masks - Rotoscoping with the Roto Brush - Adjusting keyframes in the Graph Editor - Timing animations to audio - Building backgrounds with effects - Rendering with the Render Queue and Adobe Media Encoder - Animating 3D type - Smoothing shaky footage and retouching footage - Keying green screen footage - Working with 3D: extruding shapes, adding ray-traced lighting, and more For VIP-members only BETA Если вы здесь ничего не видите, то значит здесь ничего нет, либо вы не входите в группу VIP-members If You do not see here anything, it means there here is nothing, or you are not VIP-member. Compositing 101 Understanding the basics of compositing 1:10 2. Working with Masks and Shape Layers Creating and using masks 6:42 8. Два примера настоящих проектов продемонстрируют работу с зеленым экраном и создание продвинутой 3D композиции расширенным набором 3D инструментов, все важное в CS6.
Два примера настоящих проектов продемонстрируют работу с зеленым экраном и создание продвинутой 3D композиции расширенным набором 3D инструментов, все важное в CS6. Going in Depth with Type and Shapes 44m 27s Creating type animators 12m 16s Animating type in 3D space 6m 35s Composing 3D type 8m 41s Adding and animating type on a path 8m 45s Animating shape layers 8m 10s 9.
Lynda After_Effects_CS4_Essential_Training Torrent Download - Topics include: - Setting up the workspace, important preferences, and the cache - Importing footage and comps - Relinking missing footage - Creating type, shape layers, and masks - Rotoscoping with the Roto Brush - Adjusting keyframes in the Graph Editor - Timing animations to audio - Building backgrounds with effects - Rendering with the Render Queue and Adobe Media Encoder - Animating 3D type - Smoothing shaky footage and retouching footage - Keying green screen footage - Working with 3D: extruding shapes, adding ray-traced lighting, and more For VIP-members only BETA Если вы здесь ничего не видите, то значит здесь ничего нет, либо вы не входите в группу VIP-members If You do not see here anything, it means there here is nothing, or you are not VIP-member. I'm excited to share with you After Effects CS5 Essential Training, so, let's get to it.
He shows how to gather video, audio, and graphical source materials into layered compositions, make edits and adjustments, then bring it all to life with a powerful array of visual effects and animation techniques. These skills are demonstrated in a series of increasingly intricate projects, from creating a galaxy to building a fantasy battle scene. Chad also demonstrates workflows for keying and compositing, shows how to integrate with other applications, shares useful tips and secrets, and much more. Exercise files accompany the course. He shows how to gather video, audio, and graphical source materials into layered compositions, make edits and adjustments, then bring it all to life with a powerful array of visual effects and animation techniques. These skills are demonstrated in a series of increasingly intricate projects, from creating a galaxy to building a fantasy battle scene. Chad also demonstrates workflows for keying and compositing, shows how to integrate with other applications, shares useful tips and secrets, and much more. Exercise files accompany the course. Introduction Welcome 0:55 7. Creating a Simple Project Overview of the After Effects workflow 3:46 8. Project and Importing Essentials Understanding the interface 5:01 8. Using Compositions and Layers What is a composition? Creating Animation Animating properties 6:54 5. Understanding and Editing Video Understanding timecode 1:29 4. The Power of Effects A showcase of effects 0:58 2. Color-Correcting Footage Brightening dark footage 3:48 6. Creating and Animating Text Creating text 3:41 5. Creating Animated Digital Paint Using the paint tools 11:23 19. Creating Animated Digital Drawings Creating shapes with shape layers 3:00 4. Motion Paths Understanding spatial interpolation 1:35 1. Intermediate Animation About temporal interpolation 1:41 1. Concealing with Masks and Keying Masking out portions of objects with masks 5:54 9. Compositing 101 Understanding the basics of compositing 1:10 2. Stabilizing and Tracking Motion Stabilizing shaky footage 5:47 12. Working in 3D Turning 2D layers into 3D layers 3:33 3. Using Audio The significance of audio 1:18 1. Linking Audio Volume to Animation Properties Setting up the project 1:47 2. Precomposing and Nesting Compositions When do you precompose layers? Integrating with Other Adobe Applications Using After Effects and Photoshop 6:53 8. Exporting to Video and Media Sending video for review with Clip Notes 6:43 9. Bringing It All Together Overview of the final project 1:06 3. Conclusion Goodbye 0:10 0. Обновил торрент, добавил файлы упражнений, просьба всем скачавшим перекачать торрент файлик.